Monday 5 November 2012

Horror Short: No Way Out

I had my own No Way Out experience when I had a friend come to stay with me recently for the weekend. He had just gotten back from a year in India and talked of nothing but his trip. For the WHOLE weekend there was No Way Out.

My trauma was way more horrific than this film portrays, so when you watch it, just imagine me as the main guy (a far more interesting protagonist), and my friend as the squid thing (oddly similar in shape).

If you can watch this short in its entirety without wincing then you’re made of some tough stuff, bitches.

Also, is it me, or does an overweight protagonist just invoke less empathy towards the character than if they were hot like Ryan Gosling, for example? Something to ponder this Monday.


1 comment:

  1. I couldn't do it. I winced. AHHHHHH!
