Monday 5 November 2012

No Doubt Pull “Offensive” Video

No Doubt - Looking Hot by jimihubabua

Whilst casually browsing for a Gwen Stefani picture to pin onto my Gwen Stefani picture of the week board in my bathroom, I came across the horrific discovery that You Tube has pulled the band's new video for their Looking Hot single.

Let me just take a second to get this straight; people have complained about the band’s cowboy and indian themed video because…? Because it was too chic? Too cool? No, because of… DUM DUM DUM (dramatic theme music)...



Now don’t get me wrong, I am against all racism, but in what fucked up, "politically correct" world does this count as racism? Firstly, Ska originated as a form of music bringing together sounds from different cultures and secondly, how on Earth could anybody take this video as any sort of accurate portrayal of history?

Lighten up, world. Aren’t there enough horrors we all have to face, without taking away Gwen in this dress?

Racist? Braids are racist, scientists have recently discovered

The band eventually had no choice but to pull their video from all official platforms, saying: “As a multi-racial band our foundation is built upon both diversity and consideration for other cultures. Our intention with our new video was never to offend, hurt or trivialize Native American people, their culture or their history.”

The statement continued: “Although we consulted with Native American friends and Native American studies experts at the University of California, we realize now that we have offended people. This is of great concern to us and we are removing the video immediately.”

“The music that inspired us when we started the band, and the community of friends, family, and fans that surrounds us was built upon respect, unity and inclusiveness. We sincerely apologize to the Native American community and anyone else offended by this video,” continued the band.

The statement concluded, “Being hurtful to anyone is simply not who we are.”

On the upside I found my Gwen Stefani picture of the week.

Anyway, this being Harsh&Repellent I’ve posted the video for you all to see and judge for yourselves. 

Read Harsh&Repellent's review of their new album Push And Shove 

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