Friday 9 November 2012

Shit That Happened This Week

This week was full of stuff, stuff to make you go "huh?"

Well this week was sort of blinded by what happened in The Walking Dead. It put me on a downer, so much so that I spent all of Wednesday lying on my bathroom floor in a state of shock/inebriation. In the end the neighbour below me called the police because apparently I was screaming “Lori!” but I don’t remember.

The second part of this week has been gearing up for two epic things that are going to happen next week. Firstly Lana Del Rey is releasing Born To Die, Paradise Edition. Secondly, Deftones are releasing their seventh studio album, Koi No Yokan, which is Japanese for the sense upon first meeting a person that the two of you are going to fall into love. This excites me greatly. Expect reviews next week.

But firstly, there’s the whole mess of crap that was this week to sort through. This is what you missed if you too were too fucked-up by TWD to fully invest in this week.

Also, Obama won, I think.

Brad Battles The Undead

Joining the hordes of bandwagon jumpers that have clambered onto the popularity of zombies of late, which by the way I predict to be over in about five months, being replaced with a new trend of mermaid stuff (films, music, books, TV, human/fish experimentation), was Brad Pitt, whose trailer for World War Z was released this week. Check it, bitches. 

Gaga Goes Gaga For Sandy

New York made me the fierce bitch I am today, said Gaga

Lady Gaga donated $1m to the American Red Cross for Hurricane Sandy relief fund.
The singer explained that she would be giving the hefty sum to help out her hometown of New York on her Little Monsters social networking site.

“Today I pledge 1 million dollars to New York & The American Red Cross for Hurricane Sandy Relief,” she said. “If it wasn't for NYC: the Lower Eastside, Harlem, the Bronx and Brooklyn, I would not be the woman or artist that I am today.”

"New York is relentless ambition, a drive to succeed, a place where there is a natural pursuit of diversity through compassion. Please accept this gift on behalf of myself, my parents Joe and Cynthia, and my sister Natali; with our deepest gratitude New York for raising us. Thank you for helping me build my spirit. I will now help you rebuild yours."

Alan Moore Sings To Support Occupy Movement

Comic book Writer Alan more, creator of Watchmen and V For Vendetta, which spawned the famous Occupy symbol of the Guy Fawkes mask, has composed a political song in support of the Occupy movement.

The song, The Decline of English Murder, is a ballad that likens the stark economic inequities challenged by Occupy to the work of a killer. It is released by Occupation Records, the musical spin-off from the protest group, which has already collaborated with Radiohead's Thom Yorke and members of Massive Attack, among others.

It’s deep.
It’s real.
It’s emotional.
It’s a little bit The Streets.

“English murder is all over her face”

Moore, 58, is one of the most famous names in modern comics. The bulk of his titles, which include Watchmen From Hell and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, the bulk of which, have been made into Hollywood films of varying quality, many of them in turn disowned by the irascible writer.

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